Relay Applications
Course Description:
This 3-day, instructor-led course will show how to properly set relays for coordination and protection of equipment and reduction of the Arc Flash Incident Energy. Some of the topics covered will be selecting the properly sized CT, short circuit protection, overload protection, and ground fault protection. This course will cover the use of both electromagnetic relays and electronic relays.
- None
Upon completion of this course you will be able to:
- Identify the challenges of and solutions to industrial and power system protection problems
- Provide a practical understanding and selection of protective device relay applications and protective relay schemes for industrial and electrical power systems and equipment
- Describe current and voltage transformers and their impact on protection relay settings and schemes
- Apply and calculate settings for motor, generation, industrial distribution and transmission lines, transformer, bus, breaker failure protection schemes, load shedding, power source transfers and arc-flash mitigation
- Understand the basic industrial system protection techniques including fault analysis and overvoltage assessment
- Develop your own relay settings and thoroughly understand the philosophy of protective systems
- Analyze power system faults for balanced and unbalanced conditions using symmetrical components
- Enhance your experience with power system protection problems generally faced, and solutions successfully adopted, by industry
- Understand how to apply microprocessor-based multifunction relays for the protection of various forms of power system equipment and apparatus
Who Should Attend:
Personnel who are involved in the design and maintenance of the facility’s electrical power system and are part of the electrical safety for the facility.